Monday, September 22, 2014

String Theory set 13

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061. A four-word phrase meaning 'ordinary, nothing exceptional' that has its roots in descriptions of mass-produced clothing from the early 20th century.

062. A name used for this type of hitch used to tie the mouths of sacks containing heavy materials, such as grains.

063. This book, the first in the Inspector Rebus series.

064. One of the three disciplines of the equestrian sport of eventing, along with dressage and show jumping.

065. This company, which bills itself as "India’s largest leisure infrastructure conglomerate".

060. The Blade Runner
061. Run of the mill
062. Miller's knot
063. Knots & Crosses
064. Cross-country
065. To be revealed later


  1. 1. Run of the mill
    2. Millers knot
    3. Cross and knots?
    4. Cross country?
    5. Country club

  2. 61. Run of the mill
    62. Miller's knot
    63. Noughts and crosses
    64. Cross-country
    65. Country life
    Regards Paul

  3. 61. Run of the Mill
    62. Millers Knot
    63, Knots and crosses
    64. Cross country
    65. Country Club

  4. 61. Run of the mill
    62. Miller's knot
    63. Knots & Crosses
    64. Cross Country
    65. Country Club

  5. 1.Run of the mill
    2. Mill knot
    3. Knots and crosses
    4.Cross Country!
    5 Country Club!

  6. 1. Run Of the mill
    2. Miller's knott
    3. knotts and crosses
    4. cross country
    5. country club
    I got the first one after pondering over the last answer of the previous batch. Purely merit. With that I got the first word of the second. I am sorry that I could not close my eyes or ignore the title of the book visible on the rib. Then working forward and backward was easy. so, what is my score?

  7. Run of the mill
    Mill Knot
    Knots and Crosses
    Cross Country
    Country Club

  8. 61. Run of the mill
    62. Miller's knot
    63. Crosses and Knots
    64. Cross country
    65. Country Club

    I have a good feeling about this one.

  9. 1. Run of the Mill
    2. Miller('s?) Knot
    3. Knots and Crosses
    4. Cross Country
    5. Country Club

  10. 61: run of the mill
    62. mill knot??
    63. knots and crosses??
    64. cross-country??
    65. country club

    – Ameya

  11. Man, this is tough!

    61. Run of the Mill
    62. Mill Tic?
    63. Tic Tac Cross?
    64. Cross Country?
    65. Country Club?

  12. 61. Run of the mill
    62. Millers knot ?
    63. Knots and crosses.
    64. Cross country
    65. Country club???

  13. q60: I guess is Blade Runner ? ... then

    q61: run of the mill
    q62: Running knot
    q63 Knotted cross
    q64: Cross country
    q65: Country club

  14. 060. Blade Runner
    061. Run of the Mill
    061. Mill knot
    063. Knots and Crosses
    064. Cross Country
    065. Country Club


  15. 61. Run-of-the-mill
    62. Miller's knot
    63. Noughts and Crosses
    64. Cross Jumping
    65. ?

  16. 061. Run of the mill.
    062. Miller's knot?
    065. Country Club?
