Wednesday, April 3, 2024

10Q (Apr 3, 2024)

1. The Portuguese word for 'stolen' is also a Goan surname, and the surname of this Canadian singer born of Portuguese parents [pic below]. Coincidentally, it also forms the name of India's biggest retailer of musical instruments, which has an outlet in Panjim. Name the singer you see below. [Half point if you get only the surname, a full point for the full name.]

2. The word / name in the question above originates from a Latin word for 'thief', which also gives rise to:
(a) an English adjective for someone acting in a secretive or guilty manner; and
(b) the English name for an animal from the family Mustelidae, which includes weasels, stoats, badgers, otters, martens, and wolverines.
What are (a) and (b)?

3. The Venezuelan city of Ciudad Bolivar used, till 1846, to be named [X], which gave its name to the Congress of [X] (1819), the [X] tree, and the House of [X], which is the maker of one of the most famous accompaniments to alcoholic drinks. What is [X]?

4. The title story of the anthology whose cover you see below formed the basis of which 2000 Bollywood movie, that was the debut film of two scions of famous Hindi film families?

5. In its native Swiss German, the word [A] meant 'knock' or 'thrust'. Its use in English grew during the reporting of the tumultuous Kapp [A] of 1920, in which Wolfgang Kapp and his right-wing supporters attempted to overthrow the German Weimar government. What's the word [A], that lends itself to punny headlines such as "When [A] comes to shove" and "One last [A]"? The correct spelling is important.

6. In 2019, Sri Lankan author and illustrator Sybil Wettasinghe enlisted the help of students from all across the country to contribute writings, drawings and poetry to complete the story in her new book, 'Wonder Crystal'. The outcome of that effort resulted in what world record for the novel, recognised by the Guinness Book of World Records in 2020?

7. While performing religious rituals in the Panchganga River in October 1899, Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj of the princely state of Kolhapur noticed that the priests were not chanting mantras from the Vedas, but from the Puranas. The explanation given for this by the priests left such a mark on Shahu that it spurred the young Chhatrapati to action in a related aspect, leading to what first in India being introduced in Kolhapur in 1902?

8. This book [cover below] – the result of the authors' travels in the region in 1938 – was a personal recounting of which war, that began on July 7, 1937, with 'the Marco Polo Bridge incident', and was later subsumed into World War 2?

9. Signed by King Kalâkaua under threat of violence (and therefore known as the Bayonet Constitution), the 1887 Constitution adopted in 1877 in which Kingdom stripped the king of much of his authority, and introduced a property qualification for voting, which disenfranchised most locals and immigrant labourers, and favored the wealthier white settler community? It was the first step in the annexation of that Kingdom into its coloniser nation in 1898.

10. This statue [pic below] in Leeuwarden, Netherlands, is of someone born in that city in 1876, whose life saw a sea change at the age of 18, after she answered an advertisement in a Dutch newspaper placed by Dutch Colonial Army Captain Rudolf MacLeod who was living in the then Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was looking for a wife. Who is it? You can give either her real name or the one we are more familiar with.


1. Nelly Furtado
2. (a) Furtive
(b) Ferret
3. Angostura

4. 'Refugee'

5. Putsch
6. Book with most alternative endings
(it has 1,250 possible endings)
7. First caste-based job reservations in India.
The priests had explained that only brahmins had the right to perform ‘Vedokta’ rituals and since Marathas were ‘shudras’, they could perform rituals only from the Puranas. The administrative order of 1902, decreed by Shahu, brought in reservations in government jobs for backward castes.
8. Sino-Japanese War
Kingdom of Hawaii
10. Mata Hari


  1. Paul - 1. Nelly Futrado. 2. Furtive/Ferret 3. Cedar 5. Putsch(e) 8. China 9. Hawai’i 10. Mara Hari

  2. Ira P
    1. Nelly Furtado
    2. A furtive, b ferret
    4. Refugee
    5. Putsch
    8. Japan- Manchuria
    9. Hawaii

  3. 1 Nelly Furtado
    3 Angostura ....from angostura bitter
    4 refugee
    6 many endings
    7 First reservation for backward classes
    10 mata hari

  4. 1)Nelly Furtado
    2) A-Furtive
    4) Refugee
    6) smoking meth simultaneously
    8)war to demolish bridge over kwai river
    10) Yogyakarta


    4. REFUGEE
    5. PUSH
    8. BOER WAR?
    10. MATA HARI


  6. 1. Nelly Furtado
    2a) Furtively
    2b) Ferret
    3) Schweppes
    4) Refugee
    5) Pusch
    6) Largest number of authors for one book
    7) Public library
    8) Sino-Japanese
    9) South Africa
    10) Mata Hari

  7. 1. Dua Lipa
    2. a) Clandestine
    3. Baccardi
    4. Kaho Na Pyaar Hai
    5. Pursh
    6. Most no. of people thanked in a novel
    7. Sanskrit school
    8. War at Iwo Jima
    9. Namibia
    10. Mata Hari

  8. 1. Nellie Furtado

    2. (a) Furtive
    (b) Ferret?

    3. Schweppes :-D

    4. Refugee

    5. Putsch

    6. Novel with most credited authors who collaborated exclusively online/on Zoom etc?

    7. A school to teach Puranas rather than Vedas? (Intrigued to know the actual answer)

    8. Opium War?

    9. Hawaii

    10. Mata Hari

  9. 1. Nelly Furtado
    2. a. Furtive
    b. Ferret
    5. Putz
    6. Most authors for a single book
    8. Japanese invasion of China
    9. Hawaii
    10. Mata Hari

  10. 1. Nelly Furtado
    2. a. Furtive b. Ferret
    3. -
    4. Refugee (Abhishek Bachchan and Kareena Kapoor)
    5. Pushkin
    6. Highest number of credited co authors
    7. Reservation (the priests didn't want to read mantras from the vedas because Shahu Maharaj was a Shudra king who according to them wasn't allowed to read the Vedas)
    8. -
    9. Hawaii
    10. Mata Hari


  11. 1. Nelly Furtado
    2. a. Furtive b. Ferret
    3. Angostura
    5. Putsch
    6. Most number of authors
    7. Sanskrit University
    8. Battle of the Bulge
    9. Congo
    10. Anna

  12. 1. furtado (i think furtado's is the retailer in question)
    2. (a) furtive
    3. Quinine (a long shot)
    5. pushe
    6. longest list of authors/contributors
    7. education for all, regardless of caste
    8. Burmese
    9. Haiti
    10. The actress with the whip, nadia

  13. That was Naintara

  14. 1 Nelly Kim Furtado
    2 Furtive, Ferret
    3 Angostura (bitters)
    4 Junior AB and Kareena? No clue about movie
    5 Putsch (like beer putsch)
    6 Most authors (likely Longest authors' list / byline as well since Sri Lankans have longer names on average :) )
    7 Priest school
    8 China against Japanese occupation
    9 Hawaii
    10 Mata Hari

