Tuesday, May 21, 2024

10Q (May 21, 2024)

1. India did not qualify in hockey for the Beijing Olympics in 2008 but Kenneth Pereira, an attacking midfielder of Goan origin (in pic below), was there. Playing for which national team?

2. The land encompassing the village of Ossining in the US state of New York was bought from the Sintsink Native American tribe in 1685 by a Dutch trader. In the 1820s, the facility you see in the picture below was constructed on a part of the land. Derived from the name of the tribe, what is the name by which it is known?

3. When it first appeared in English in the 16th century, it meant the distance bounding the range of ordinary vision at sea – about 30 km. British author John Lyly used that sense in 1580 when he wrote, "They are safely come within a ___ of Dover." Other 16th-century writers used it to mean 'range of vision' ("Out of ___ we were ere the Countesse came from the feast." – Thomas Nashe) or 'sight' ("'Tis double death to drown in ___ of shore." – Shakespeare). Its most famous usage in poetry is perhaps in the lines "Then felt I like some watcher of the skies /
When a new planet swims into his ___", written by Keats in his poem 'On First Looking into Chapman's Homer', and often quoted in humourous contexts by PG Wodehouse. Today, however, the word almost always implies a range of comprehension, understanding, or knowledge. What word?

4. Christened Chastity Bono and now named Chaz Bono, this man has been an LGBT activist for most of his adult life. In 2008, he began the gender transition process, which took nearly two years to complete. In the aftermath, Bono made an award-winning documentary about his journey, and continued to fight for the LGBT community as an outspoken contestant on 'Dancing With the Stars'. Who are his largely mononymous parents?

5. 'The Delhi Detectives' Handbook' (cover shown below), published in 2017, is ostensibly written by Delhi detective Vish Puri. Puri is actually a fictional character created by which British journalist and writer?

6. Xs (sometimes also called X eels) are an order of jawless fish-like vertebrates, whose adults are characterised by a toothed, funnel-like sucking mouth. The common name X is derived from a Latin term meaning 'stone licker'. Long used as food by humans, they were widely eaten by the upper classes throughout medieval Europe, especially during fasting periods, since their taste is much meatier than that of most true fish. King Henry I of England is said to have died from eating "a surfeit of Xs." What is X?

7. Male pogonotrophy is often culturally associated with wisdom and virility. Abraham Lincoln is said to have indulged in it because an 11-year-old girl named Grace Bedell wrote to him, suggesting it. What is pogonotrophy? 

8.  You will probably know of the ancient belief that one's health and temperament are the products of a balance or imbalance of four bodily fluids, or humours: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. It was believed that a deficiency of yellow bile, or choler, the humour that governed anger, spirit, and courage, would leave a certain organ colourless or white. Someone with this deficiency would be spiritless and a coward. This is the origin story of the hyphenated 2-word term that connects a typically white flower with the organ in question. What's the term? 

9. Xstan is a mountainous region located near the Karakoram mountain range that borders Gilgit to the west, China's Xinjiang to the north, Ladakh to the south-east, and the Kashmir Valley to the south-west. It takes its name from an indigenous tribe that has inhabited the area since pre-Islamic times, and has nothing to do with a vessel commonly used in Indian households. Name the region. 

10. What 2-word term, literally meaning 'keep to eat' in French, is used for a cool, well-ventilated area in a hotel or large home where savoury cold dishes (such as salads, hors d'œuvres, appetizers, canapés, pâtés, and terrines) are prepared and other foods are stored under refrigeration?

1. Canada
2. Sing Sing Correctional Facility
3. Ken
4. Sonny (Bono) and Cher

5. Tarquin Hall

6. Lamprey
The growing of facial hair, especially beards
8. Lily-livered
9. Baltistan
10. Garde manger


  1. 1. Canada? Looks like a black maple leaf on the Jersey
    2. Alcatraz? Looks like a prison that.
    3. Scheme??
    4.U2 ?
    5. Killing?
    6. Sucker
    7. Beard
    8. Eye something?
    9. This should be the China occupied territory right at the top of India.
    10. Pantry


  2. Ira
    1. England
    2. Sing Sing
    3. ken
    4. Sonny and Cher
    6. Morey
    7. Beard shaping
    8. lily livered
    9. Baltistan

  3. 1. Quatar?
    2. Sing Sing prison
    3. Offing
    4. Sonny and Cher
    5. William Dalrymple?
    6. Lamprey
    7. Having or Growing a beard
    8. Lilly-Livered
    9. Baltistan
    10. Pantry

  4. 1. Canada
    2. Riverside Park
    3. Grasp
    4. Cher and Sonny (Bono)
    5. Sujata Massey
    6. Lamprey
    7. Growing facial hair/ beard
    8. Lily livered
    9. Baltistan
    10. Garde manger
    - Raunak

  5. 1. Portugal
    2. Alcatraz
    3. Gaze
    4. Sting,
    5. Richard Osman
    7. Growing a beard
    8. Lily-liver
    9. Thali

  6. 1. Malaysia
    2. Sing Sing Prison
    3. Ken
    4. Sonny & Cher
    5. William Dalrymple
    6. Limpet
    7. Growing a beard
    8. Lily-livered
    9. Baltistan
    10. Larder mange

  7. 1. Malaysian
    2. New york prison complex-
    6. Lamprey eel
    7. To grow beard
    8. Lilly liver ???
    9. Baltistan ( taking bath with a bucket)
    10. Gard manger

  8. 1.
    2. Sing Sing (prison).
    4. Sonny and Cher
    5. H R F Keating
    6. Lamprey
    7. Beard growing/cultivation
    8. Lily-livered
    9. Baltistan

  9. 1 Canada
    2 Sing Sing prison
    3 Ken
    4 Sonny & Cher
    5 Dalrymple
    6 Lamprey
    7 Growing and maintaining large beards / facial hair
    8 Lily-livered
    9 Baltistan
    10 Store Manger


  10. My account wasn’t logging in.

    1. Canada
    7. Growing a beard

  11. 1)Canada
    2)Sin city
    8)Lily liver

